CCC Publishing

CCC Publishing is the book publishing business started by Brad Olsen. The Consortium of Collective Consciousness began as an artist warehouse in February, 1995 by Brad Olsen and three American travel friends who met in Goa, India the year before.


Brad Olsen has been a published artist since he was 14 years old. Starting in 1979 as a political cartoonist for his high school newspaper he continued his craft five years later at Illinois State University’s college newspaper. His comic strip was renowned for its witty satire and biting criticisms. A decade later he founded Consortium of Collective Consciousness Publishing in San Francisco, the city where his office is still located. The business has produced 27 book titles including In Search of Adventure: A Wild Travel Anthology, featuring 80 different authors. Key to Solomon’s Key: Is This the Lost Key of Masonry? by Lon Milo DuQuette, was released in the second edition in 2010. Brad’s first book World Stompers: A Global Travel Manifesto, now in its fifth edition, was lauded by film director Oliver Stone as a “subversive masterpiece of travel writing” and Publisher’s Weekly labeled it a “quirky chain pleaser.” His travel web site relating to the book ( was Microsoft Network’s “Site of the Week” and continues to rank as a “Top 5%” Lycos site. CCC Publishing released The Intuitive Warrior by Michael Jaco in 2022, and the follow-up book Awakening of a Warrior in 2024.

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